That Tech Pod Feature
Check out the latest podcast appearance by our CEO Allen Cooper!
In this episode Allen joins into some great conversation on the current state of software and optimized tool presence in the EVS Care space, and why it’s so important to equip your team with the right tools to do the job. Many other fascinating topics are approached too like the impact a missed clean or procedure can have on the rest of the hospital team, and the consequences from a patient perspective as well.
Also expect to hear about our various different modules at ReadyList and the origins as to how we even started doing what we do.
“If I don’t have a tool to understand what needs to get done and I’m constantly chasing things, I could be chasing the wrong things every single time. Tools like this enable teams to work smarter, not harder.”
As hospitals are trying to get more efficient and even like cutting budgets and all, is this one of those things that will get impacted? Or do you think this is one of those things that actually is more important when hospitals are trying to kind of maximize their budget?:
Yes, I personally think it’s more important because at the end of the day, if I don’t have a tool, like, and I’m looking, I’m thinking about it as a director, a manager, a supervisor, that allows me to understand the landscape of what needs to get done, and I’m constantly chasing things, I could be chasing the wrong things every single time. Like, if I don’t truly understand where my issues are, and I’m just guessing, or I’m just managing by, you know, reactiveness versus being proactive, I think that you’re doing yourself a disservice. So, tools like this, to me, enable the team to be better and to work smarter instead of harder. And I think that’s kind of like where they have to kind of change the thinking there is that sometimes they attack the problem with adding more resources. And reality is, maybe we’re just not addressing the core issues of what might be causing you to add those resources in the first place. And maybe you could have actually had three less individuals in that spot because you didn’t understand something core was wrong with it that once it’s fixed, you can actually have less people. So, from my standpoint, it kind of gives you that dashboard view that is not there unless you have something like this tool.
Are you guys doing anything that can help sort of optimize the workflows related to just kind of short staffed hospitals or organizations where there just aren’t enough bodies?”
Yes, exactly. Part of the software, in my opinion, allows training of resources faster and also allows them to understand exactly what it is that they need to do and do it quicker. So the goal there is to hopefully do more with less. So if you are in a shortage of labor, you hopefully can get more done because you’re kind of in some ways directing the cleaners and the custodians to do the job and without them having to overthink it, you’re also minimizing do-overs, right? Because if you can inspect it for a room and they didn’t do it right, guess who has to go back and clean it? More likely not, it’s the cleaner then. That’s something else that was not planned to do. Now they go back and do it. That takes them away from doing it in another room they should have been doing. Or you’re taking away the supervisor’s time, which is equally if not a little bit more valuable, just based on pure cost and their time addressing something that should have been addressed the first time. So I think our tool allows the learning curve to go faster as well. So when you onboard a cleaner or a custodian person, you basically are training them initially and then they’re constantly being trained on what are the appropriate protocols to be able to turn over rooms because each unit has their own protocol. The rooms are specialized purposely to be able to address the patient’s need for whatever the circumstance is. And I think as a cleaner, when you’re kind of addressed to doing a few different types of units, it can be confusing at times. Maybe you brought in the wrong equipment and you just, you did on accident, you didn’t mean to, but you just went from one unit to another and you’re kind of in some ways brainwashed to do something the same way. And the reality is a tool like this helps you be more efficient because you’re only doing the things that are required of you for that particular room because that’s what it is. So I think it allows them to get it done faster, more efficiently with higher quality and less redoes. Then it also increases the learning curve of onboarding new cleaners that saves time as well.
Rapid Service Responder saves you time
Rapid Service Responder gives both the visitor of your facilities and your team the ability to quickly address issues, from areas in need of clean, restocking items, to broken appliances, all through the quick scan of a QR code.